> > seek out like-minded company, for inspiration and moral support if nothing 
> > else.  I'm looking for successful examples to follow, and potential allies.
> Well I have been thinking about making the jump for a long time,
> but I am finding it very hard todo so. But eventually I want to
> start my own company. So if you want someone who can help, albeit
> on a limited basis, and at the same time you may be helping them.
> Then keep me in mind.

Well, I've made most of the jump myself - I'm going part-time at work,
I'm looking into starting a limited company, and have a few clients
lined up for various web/perl things. One of the things I'm doing is
bringing Schwern to England for a week to do a series of one-day courses
at companies about testing with Perl. I'll be posting details to the
list about this sometime early next week - if anyone would be
interested, and would like to be kept up-to-date, let me know...


Almost every man wastes part of his life attempting to display qualities which he does 
not possess.
 -- Samuel Johnson

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