On Wed, Mar 12, 2003 at 12:45:38PM -0000, Clayton, Nik [IT] wrote:
> You might want to take a look at BSDPAN.  I gave a lightning talk about 
> this a couple of tech-meets ago.
> Basically, it hooks in to the standard module build/install process, and
> fakes up (FreeBSD) package data for the files as they're installed.  This
> then lets the local package mangement programs (pkg_add, pkg_delete, etc)
> work on Perl modules that have been installed in this way.
> I keep trying to find the tuits to write an equivalent for Solaris.
> Someone with more interest in Linux than I might care to adapt this for 
> RPM, DEB, and how ever many other package formats exist in that space.
>     http://london.pm.org/tech_talks/21_nov_2002/nik/BSDPAN.ppt

I was talking to Schwern earlier this week, he told me there are plans to
add this kind of facility to cpanplus, i.e. build and install .debs,
.rpms, etc.

Leo: (July 23 - Aug. 22)
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