On Thu, Mar 13, 2003 at 06:38:48PM +0000, Alex McLintock said:
> It seems like you can now access Amazon.co.uk with a webservices interface 
> similar to amazon.com
> I will probably be investigating this next week. If anyone wants to work 
> with me on this, or just wants to find out how to do it after I investigate 
> then give me a shout.

I've been thinking of providing a web services version of
WWW::Amazon::Wishlist which would return Amazon::Item objewcts (with
lazy details [0]) which could be inserted into a wishlist or added to a
shopping basket or somesuch.


[0] When you retrieve an item from a wishlist not all details are filled
in (image, reviews etc etc) so I'd use the trick of having the missing
elements be all references to a sub that goes and fills in the missing
details and then replaces the routines with proper get_$foo routines.

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