On Tue, Apr 01, 2003 at 12:31:33PM +0100, Jon Reades wrote:
> Roger Burton West wrote:
> <snip>
> >>Finally, are there any ADSL suppliers to avoid, or that are wonderful. [3]
> <snip>
> ...you'll probably want to steer clear of BT... 

I can back that up - our BT broadband installation (paid for by
partner's work when he started working from home, & they insisted on BT
on the "noone ever got fired for buying IBM" basis) took a month & a
half to sort out.  Initial appointment required a 3-week wait; engineer
then showed up with the wrong bits, which turned out to be because they
had the wrong plan booked on their system.  Engineer did not, of course,
have *right* bits in van & thus had to go away again.  Rebooking, it
transpired, required phoning up & cancelling, then *waiting 24 hrs* and
phoning again.  Because otherwise the system would get confused & think
that the rebooking needed cancelling as well (riiight).  Except we
continued not to hear anything back from them, & it eventually
transpired that it wasn't 24hrs you needed to wait, it was 48hrs.  Cue
another couple of weeks waiting for an engineer appt...

*And* then they gave us the wrong username on the piece of paper, & that
took about an hour on the phone to sort out.  

Having said that, only one connection outage since, touch wood.  But
would *not* recommend them at all.  


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