On Fri, Jun 20, 2003 at 10:38:50AM -0300, Luis Campos de Carvalho wrote:
> I will contact Belfast.pm folks and see what I can get. Thank you 
> very much.
>> (although I forget how many of Belfast.pm still work there, have no
>> idea whether they can deliver to Brazil, and don't know what TV standard
>> you have in Brazil. We have 625 line (ie 50Hz) PAL, and the pigopolists
>> want our DVDs to be region 2)
> Here we use the PAL-M TV standard with 525 line (ie 60Hz).
> There are nice DVD dealers there. I can use almost any region, there 
> always somebody that can do a conversion or add some nice hardware to 
> translate the images.

If you can watch DVDs from any region, I recommmend the USA versions of
Buffy.  They're about half the price of the UK versions.  Since they are
basically identical cynical people may think that UK consumers were
getting ripped off.

Failing that try the Australian DVDs, the Austrailian dollar is so weak
that their DVDs work out very cheap.


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