On Thu, Jun 26, 2003 at 07:43:14PM +0100, David Cantrell wrote:
> >For shame, Mr. Devers! Oh, for shame! The Manchurian Gambit of 1978 has
> >been considered obsolete since 1981, after Lt. Col. Charles Monkfish
> >(rtd.) demonstrated that no feathers could exist at King's Cross station
> >without being attached to a pigeon.
> >
> >In the words of Monkfish himself: "Like, duh!"
> This subthread has reminded me - is platform 9.75 permitted under the 
> current rules?  My gaming group couldn't decide, so we treat it like a 
> clone of platform 9, but this seems inelegant.

I believe the highly unpopular third edition rules included a requirement that
in case of fractions, they be rounded to the nearest integer. In the fourth
edition, this change was rolled back to the prior standard of rounding by
truncation to the lower whole integer.

I know this doesn't result in a solution which is more elegant, but it does
give you some leeway to exploit this little-known rule when playing under the
appropriate editions of the ruleset.


Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart, the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world.

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