On Tue, Jul 08, 2003 at 09:09:27AM -0700, Toby Corkindale wrote:
> > >My experiments in that direction were like
> > >$raw = '<foo><bar/></foo>';
> > >$xml = $parser->parse_string($raw);
> > >return $xml->findnodes('/foo');
> > 
> > That's exactly what I do, but then:
> > 
> >   return incref( $xml->findnodes( '/foo' ) );
> Disappointingly, it doesn't seem to be enough for me; but I'll go play some
> more and see what I can work out.
> Further experimentation without the incref() klduge did manage to produce
> some segfaults, now. Using the kludge prevents those, so its improved
> something.  Unfortunately I'm still getting no output from the
> apply-templates tag either way.

I have updated to the CVS version of XML::LibXSLT (CVS version 1.55 of

This has the curious effect of working perfectly if I *don't* use the incref()
kludge.. If I use the kludge, it produces identical behaviour to
1.53-with-kludge. (ie. doesn't segfault, but doesn't produce output for that
tag either)

Probably something to watch out for when you upgrade, Liz.

Thanks to everyone.. now just have to get this project finished before i go
home.. ;)


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