On Tue, Jul 08, 2003 at 05:58:44PM +0100, Paul Makepeace wrote:
> Still, encouraging news for those wishing to get over there. My money's
> on waiting for Dean or Kucinich to demonstrate viable Democratic
> candidacy...

Dean is viable, being the frontrunner in the money race right now.  He
stands a good chance of election because even though it's the lefties
that like him right now, his record is much more centrist than most
people acknowledge yet.  The age old strategy is to run left in the
primaries, and center in the general election.

Kucinich is a non-starter.  

I'm still hoping Clark jumps in, but he's still playing coy.  Should
have a real answer form him by September though.

Sorry to inject US politics.  I'll bet Wesley Clark watches Buffy, and
being from Arkansas, there's a good chance he now owns or has sometime
in the past owned a pony.


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