Leon Brocard wrote:
The auction was mad and crazy. There were two groups: the orange group
and the "keep it as it is" group. We started bidding at
$100. Increments of $25. Up up up, higher higher higher. It got
hectic, we got more money. Eventually, I made a bid of $1000. They
made a bid of $1025. I stopped. They won.

They paid $1025 to keep the site as it is. Mad.

Some people just don't seem to have got the message that the DotCom Era is OVER! *grin*

Ah, those glorious hedonistic days... having the ad/marketing team throw 100K at a "relaunch" at the same time as eight of your co-irkers have been given their notice by management who are trying to "reduce costs".

Still brings a tear to the eye!


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