Tim Sweetman wrote:

Alex Hudson wrote:

On Mon, Aug 18, 2003 at 10:36:28AM +0100, Alex McLintock wrote:

You might really say that this is a problem of Open Source as a whole.
Its marketing really sucks.

Double plus for Free Software.

Similarly and earlier, Leon Brocard wrote:

[Perl PR] needs people to just do it. The right place
for this discussion is the perl advocacy mailing list ...

I find Mark Dominus's points - http://www.perl.com/pub/a/2000/12/advocacy.html - very persuasive (summary: advocacy can easily decend into a tribal "Perl rocks, $WHATEVER sucks", which is neither persusasive, nor good for a language such as Perl, which improves by borrowing solutions from other languages).

"Sell the benefit - not the technology".

Does that apply to _anything_?


According to the book I've read about marketing[0], customers make purchasing decisions based on perceived benefits (rational or otherwise) as opposed to features.

If you used Perl you could use the Foo module from CPAN (feature). Your script would take 5 minutes to write (benefit) and you could take the rest of the day off (benefit).

From what I understand of the other book I've read about marketing[1] the Interweb has broken a lot of the 'broadcast' marketing model (but probably not the benefit selling bit).

The perl community were/are probably pioneers in the gonzo approach to marketing. IMHO as most Perl advocacy takes place online, anything much more formal wouldn't produce many, er, benefits.


[0] http://tinyurl.com/kent
[1] http://tinyurl.com/keoa

Paul Sharpe                      Tel: 619 523 0100 Fax: 619 523 0101
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