From: Merijn Broeren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 8/19/03 8:53:49 AM

> I was very impressed one day when I learned that kids on 
> Holland nowadays learn about the land of Oct in primary 
> school, age 9-10. Where the people only count to 7. So 
> they learn counting 0..7, oct, oct plus one, etc. Which is
> written down as 0..7, 10, 11, etc. So they learn to
> count in different bases. I think I only learned that at 
> university.
> Teach 'm young. 

I'm sure I did stuff in different bases pretty early on in school.
In fact, I _know_ that we much have at least touched on base
12 so that we could deal with the monetary system[1].


[1] Yes, I _am_ that old.

"Let me see you make decisions, without your television"
   - Depeche Mode (Stripped)

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