Quoting Andy Wardley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> At present the Template::* namespace is effectively reserved[*] for the 
> Template Toolkit.  I plan to change that in version 3 to allow it to
> be opened up for other templating modules.  However, that will take
> careful planning to avoid trampling on existing Template::* modules.

That's essentially the same issue in the SVG namespace. So far, we've managed 
to preserve SVG:: to include modules that implement an optimized, streamlized 
DOM. It would be a shame to confuse things with SVG::Graph. What do we do when 
we want to implement an SVG.pm-based graphing module using SVG::Parser, which 
uses SVG.pm?

Do we call it SVG::Grapher::NoTemplate ?  This is a problem.

> If you want to go this route then email me off list and I'll commit to
> a particular Template::* namespace for this purpose.  But I think in this
> case, a non-TT specific version of SVG::Graph would be better.

I would second this alternative, or the use of SVG::TT::Graph namespace to 
identify a template-based system.

The problem that I have with SVG::Graph::* is that the system is not related to 
the SVG base module, and is not a generic graphing implementation. It is a 
templating implementation that happens to generate SVG because the chosen 
template happens to be SVG. 

A generic use of the SVG::Graph namespace, imho, would be relyant on SVG.pm and 
would be a graphing template. In the same way that SVG::Parser is a parser that 
generates the SVG.pm DOM (which, by the way, you could conceptually use in 
SVG::Graph to generate your graphs - many ways to do this...).

To use the SVG::Graph namespace will unnecessarily confuse the existing user 
base. I therefore recommend you use SVG::TT::Graph or something like that which 
identifies the fact that you are using templates.


> A

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