That's essentially the same issue in the SVG namespace. So far, we've managed to preserve SVG:: to include modules that implement an optimized, streamlized DOM. It would be a shame to confuse things with SVG::Graph. What do we do when we want to implement an SVG.pm-based graphing module using SVG::Parser, which uses SVG.pm?

Do we call it SVG::Grapher::NoTemplate ? This is a problem.

I don't believe this is an issue any more than in any other CPAN TLNS. In the same way that Andy said he's working on TT3 so that other templating engines can use the Template::* TLNS, there is no good reason to restrict SVG::* to things that revolve around SVG.pm. There's a lot that one can do with SVG, and all uses of the namespace for things that are close to SVG are legitimate.

For instance, the wrapper around librsvg has thus far been called XML::LibRSVG, but I intended to ask the author (before he releases it) if he didn't prefer moving to SVG::LibRSVG, as it has little to do with XML proper.

SVG.pm doesn't own the SVG::* namespace any more than CGI.pm owns CGI::*.

The problem that I have with SVG::Graph::* is that the system is not related to the SVG base module, and is not a generic graphing implementation. It is a templating implementation that happens to generate SVG because the chosen template happens to be SVG.

It more than just "happens" to use SVG. A number of its options are SVG specific and wouldn't mean much in other contexts (eg the stylesheet). It is an SVG producer in its own right, and the only thing I find non-SVGish about it is that it only writes to a file (it seems) when returning a string would be very useful (it'd allow one to hide it behind a simple wrapper that'd output SAX in order to merge the graph more easily into a larger document. I wouldn't be surprised if it evolved to use RCC in the future.

The only sensible alternative I see to SVG::Graph would be Chart::SVG (the usual permutation that applies to many modules).

Robin Berjon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Research Engineer, Expway        http://expway.fr/
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