Paul Makepeace wrote:

I've just discarded 56 spam messages caught by's anti-spam member-
only policy. It was tedious, and is unlikely to get better. They all
share the trait of having HTML in them.

Is there any reason to continue to permit text/html or multipart/mixed
messages anywhere in ?

Yes. Some people have no choice but to use crippled clients which insist on sending out bizarre formats. Now of course if they *only* send $fucked_up_format_of_the_week then they should be rogered with large barbed-wire dildos (and thrown off the list), but provided that there is a text/plain alternative then I see nothing particularly wrong with it.

If you are finding the task of approving/deleting non-member posts too time-consuming for just one person to handle, I'd be happy to help out.

David Cantrell | Benevolent Dictator |

Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced

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