Je 2003-08-29 12:42:23 +0100, Michael Stevens skribis:
> Yes, but it's the "stop spam, but don't overly affect legimitate usage"
> tradeoff that I was worried about. I strongly suspect there will be
> people reading from corporate mail clients where it is
> difficult/impossible to configure things like the format of messages
> that are generated.

A dozen or so such messages in the last five months, which includes some
misposts, and by two people who subsequently appeared to have "fixed"
it. I did this research before hence the original proposal as it appears
to minimally affect /anyone/.

So few people affected that in effect the work of would
be to ongoingly trash dozens of spam every single day simply to serve
those people who collectively post on average a couple of times a month,
most of whom could "fix" their systems. This doesn't seem reasonable,
even with a small army of moderators.

David Cantrell: thanks! Consider yourself recruited; details coming offlist.


Paul Makepeace .......................................

"What is medicine? Cupidity."

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