On Mon, 1 Sep 2003, Piers Cawley wrote:

> > *>You only have to be able to produce your driving license when asked, and
> > *>you have up to 7 days to do so. You don't have to be carrying it.
> >
> > Well, I suspect something similar would happen with an ID card.
> How would they know who to arrest if nobody turned up with the ID
> card within seven days?

Given that the proposals call for biometric data to be stored on the card 
and in the system I assume that once cards are compulsory (probably even 
before then) the police will have powers to take a biometric sample from 
anyone they stop as a matter of course.

Then they'd just look up the matching record(s) and thus know who to 
arrest for not showing up.

Organised criminals would just forge ID cards as necessary and always 
carry them thus satisfying the cursory checks likely to be carried out in 
any situation where the person stopped is not arrested on the spot.

Jason Clifford
UKFSN.ORG               Finance Free Software while you surf the 'net
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