On Mon, 1 Sep 2003, Piers Cawley wrote:

> Cop with gun: Show me your ID, sir!
> Me: I'm terribly sorry, I don't have my wallet about my person.
> CwG: Okay, what's you're name and address?
> Me: Albert Urquhart of 72, Regent Square, Doncaster.
> CwG: Postcode?
> Me: Um... I've just moved in, terribly sorry I can't remember it.
> CwG: Right, you have seven days to produce your ID card at any police
> station -- here's the appropriate bit of paper to bring along with it.
> Me: Right ho. Have a nice day.
> If they require my DNA they are going to have to arrest me to get
> it. 

Refusing to provide it will probably be made an offence and you could then 
find yourself sharing a cell with Big Ron.

Jason Clifford
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