> Philip Newton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Of course, this only really works well for static content.
> Static Content is a Good Thing[tm].  You should try to have as much of
> it as possible.  The you can let Apache do the hard work of implementing
> HTTP correctly (caching, byte ranges, etc).

Agreed. And it would be even better if all the content was pre-compressed 
(e.g., with a cron job: gzip -9 *) rather than doing it on the fly.

I tried using Apache MultiViews to served pre-compressed static content, 
but to no avail. The idea was Apache would map a request for index.html to 
index.html.gz and serve the precompressed file instead. In the same way 
that language encoded files are mapped: index.html -> index.html.jp .

Has anyone managed to get content negotiation to work for pre-compressed
static content? ... this is the ideal scenario speed-wise.


Nigel Hamilton
Turbo10 Metasearch Engine

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