On Fri, 5 Sep 2003, Kate L Pugh wrote:

> Hello.  Could people who were at the social meet at the Green Man last
> night let me know what they thought of it?

On the whole I quite liked the place.  I think the issues that other
people have raised (the running out of beer and losing food orders) were
symptomatic of a more general (and possibly isolated) disorganization on
the part of the management of the establishment as it did appear that the
staff changed their shift halfway through the evening, when they already
seemed understaffed: in my limited experience of running a bar I would
suggest this would tend to lead to both of the aforementioned problems.

Actually the beer running out was a bit of a blessing as it turned out
they had some quite nice Belgian bottled stuff which otherwise I wouldn't
have noticed.

I didn't eat as mixing drinking and eating is a heresy in my world view,
so I can't comment on the food.

On the whole I would go back but I do like to see other pubs too.


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