On Sun, Sep 07, 2003 at 01:58:12AM +0100, Michael Stevens wrote:
> The problem with the beer was basically that they ran out of several
> kinds of the nicer beer - they ran out of bombardier fairly early, then
> something else (old speckled hen?) then by around 9:30ish they ran
> out of Young's Bitter, leaving us forced to drink guiness as the best
> beer.
What!? you're saying that guinness is a 2nd best!?
The guinness wasn't bad however my knowledge of guinness in england
isn't that great. The atmosphere wasn't bad although the fact that the
bottom bar wasn't manned pissed me off a little... those stairs are not
designed for persons under the influence.

BTW, i had a great time... thanks for having me folks!

-Scott McWhirter- | -kungfuftr-

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