On Thu, Sep 18, 2003 at 03:23:18PM +0100, candace wrote:
> too true, seeing as how i lived there for the four years previous to 
> this, and i couldn't really recommend anything past picking something 
> *NOT* in the tenderloin, 

There's a good hotel in the tenderloin, the Pheonix.  Where the rock
stars stay.  Of course it's in the tenderloin, so no matter how nice
the hotel is some people won't want to stay there.  I liked it, my
girlfriend didn't like walking to/from it, but liked the hotel.

> perhaps preferably somewhere around union 
> square 

There's a cheap place on Union Square.  The Ramada is about as
inexpensive as you'll find in San Francisco, but it shows.  I stayed
in the same room that Billie Holiday was arrested in(heroin, 1949),
which was cool.

But not so cool that I didn't move across the street to the Hyatt the
next day (which was nice, but much more expensive.)
"way too squirrely for Karl Rove"

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