candace wrote:

the only hotels i know are the really upscale remarkable ones (the ritz, hotel triton, the W, etc.), more as points of reference than anything. maybe perusing would be good? as of when i left six months ago, hotel rates were really cheap, so don't rule out the nicer ones!

The W is *really* nice, the best hotel ever, and built in the shape of a W although its expensive it has ethernet ports in the massive rooms and an excellent bar. It's really dark and you have to be careful not to walk into full length mirrors jet lagged.

The time I was there we managed to gatecrash the Google sales conference being held there and I even touched Greatness in the shape of Sergey Himself before he told us to go away. They had handed out little baseball bats as awards to their staff so it seemed wise to obey.

The Pickwick isn't too bad as a cheaper older place.

1024/D9C69DF9 Steve Mynott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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