On 25 Sep 2009, at 01:27, Dave Hodgkinson wrote:
Oh god, don't. I shall be touring with a band in early November and
whilst the first two dates are civilised: London and Oxford, but from
then on we're in arse-ends like Sheffield,

Excellent drinking: I recommend the Devonshire Cat, Fat Cat, Dove and Rainbow, and possibly the Red Deer. The Winter Garden is worth an amble through.


The Trip to Jerusalem pub is an interesting historic building, although the beer is merely adequate and you'd be better off going to the Saluation Inn round the corner. Nottingham Castle is nice to wander around.

It's otherwise a fairly dull city, which is why I left at age 18 and never looked back.

Stoke and heaven forbid, Glasgow.

I can't say that Stoke appeals, but I really do want to visit Glasgow one day to see if people really do eat deep-fried Mars bars, or whether they were invented to wind up the English.

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