On 08/08/2014 14:55, Sue Spence wrote:
Hello everyone,

After two years of stellar service to the London Perl Mongers, Tom Hukins
will be taking a break and has asked me to take over the reins for awhile.
I am happy to oblige, and thank Tom and his predecessors for the work
they've done for LPM over the years.

I hope the organisation will continue to evolve in new ways over the coming
months. I've been happy to see that social and technical meetings seem to
attract a few new people every month. We have a couple more technical
events in the works for the rest of the year and I'm interested in offers
to arrange more of these, as well as social outings.

Speaking of socials, last night's meeting featured 2 women and 0 Daves.
This is an utter Dave failure and I am disappointed in you all.  The pub
was really good however, thanks to Michael Jemmeson for organising it for

"The leader is dead, long live the leader ;)"
Hi Sue,

Congrats on taking stewardship. Speaking of Daves vs Women what is the ratio for leadership/Reins holding?

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