My comments about what the WG should be doing are "As WGChair", I'm not 
commenting directly on TTZ, but on the broader comments/questions below.

> On Jul 16, 2020, at 6:19 AM, Tianran Zhou <> wrote:
> Hi Henk,
> Thanks very much for your long email.
> I fully agree with what you said on the criterion. This is generally always 
> correct.
> But still you cannot score a draft with it.
> That means I can probably say most of the IETF RFCs has  no use.
> I can also list one hundred RFCs that is not implemented.

This is not what we strive for in LSR.

>  Are you going to obsolete them all?

No, but we as a WG can strive to not contribute to this problem.

> Who knows if they are useful in the future?

LSR is not a research WG or a technical journal.

> If you find it no use, just not to implement it. How could it make your 
> system complex?

This statement flies in the face of market realty.

People who have to fill RFPs from prospective customers, knowing that they are 
competing against other vendors filling those same RFPs out, can tell you why 
you can't just "not implement RFCs" if you don't want to, even when they will 
never actually be used by those same customers. The short answer is: RFPs are 
very often not written by the engineers that actually build and run the 
customer's networks; however, answers to RFPs have a direct impact on which 
vendors products are purchased by the customers.

So lots of unused RFCs leads to lots of useless code being written to win 
customers, which then leads to huge protocol code bases that are too complex 
and fragile, as well as protocols that are hard to comprehend and thus manage 
properly, and so ultimately destabalize the internet -- we have failed at this 

This may be less of an issue with other WGs; however, the IGPs are a *critical* 
part of the internet infrastructure, and they need to be treated as such, and 
we should strive to do so.


> Best,
> Tianran
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Henk Smit []
> Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2020 4:46 PM
> To: Tianran Zhou <>
> Cc: Huaimo Chen <>;
> Subject: Re: [Lsr] Request WG adoption of TTZ
> Hello Tianran,
> Warning, long email again.
>> What's the criterion to evaluate the benefit?
> As people have asked before, did any provider or enterprise ever use rfc8099 
> in their network ?
> As I wrote, one of my criteria is rfc1925. I like technology to be 
> understandable. I like protocols to be (relatively) easy to implement. The 
> more unused cruft there is, the further we get away from that goal.
> I'll give you an example. Did you, or your company ever implement rfc2973 ? 
> That's mesh-groups in IS-IS.
> I'm sure some customers put it on their wishlist.
> Did any provider or customer ever use it ?
> I asked this question at my last job, and nobody knew the answer. I suspect 
> nobody in the world ever used mesh-groups.
> Around the time I got in touch with IS-IS, in spring 1996, there was a 
> problem that was seen 2 of the 3 largest ISPs in the US (UUnet and iMCI). 
> Both networks melted because of IS-IS. All routers in their networks were 
> 100% cpu time running IS-IS, busy exchanging LSPs. While no progress was 
> made. The only solution was to reboot all routers in the backbone at the same 
> time (several hundred routers).
> This happened more than once in both networks.
> To relieve the burden of flooding, mesh-groups were implemented, and rfc2973 
> was written. However, a short while later I became the sole IS-IS programmer 
> for that router vendor. I was able to reproduce the problem in the lab.
> I then realized what the issue was. A fix of 10 lines of extra code fixed the 
> problem. No customer ever reported those meltdowns again. That fix was the 
> real solution.
> Not writing another RFC.
> In the mean-time, we have an extra RFC, about mesh-groups.
> Every book and manual on IS-IS has to spent time explaining what mesh-groups 
> are. Every vendor has to implement it.
> Even when nobody in the world is using it. Mesh-groups were a superfluous 
> idea. What I (and many others) are saying is that we don't want to specify 
> and implement unnecessary things.
> Even when nobody is using such a thing, it will live on forever.
>> What I see the TTZ does have benefit.
> Yes, TTZ and proxy-areas have benefit. Nobody is disagreeing.
> But what people don't like is the new concept of a zone.
> If you can abstract exactly one area into exactly one proxy-LSP, that is good 
> enough for 99.9 % of cases. In OSPF it is harder to split or merge an area. 
> In IS-IS it is a lot easier. So a network operator can design and change his 
> areas first. And then implement proxy-areas as she/he wishes. Without much 
> downtime.
> If we introduce the concept of a "zone", someone is going to have to explain 
> that to everybody in the world who uses IS-IS.
> Have you ever taught a class on IS-IS to people who don't know routing 
> protocols very well ?
>> I am also wandering how it hurts the protocol in the long run ?
> Adding stuff that nobody uses makes everything more complex.
> I know it seems as if the goal over the last 15 years was to make every thing 
> more complex. So what's the problem with adding yet another RFC ?
> But I like simple things.
> henk.
> Tianran Zhou wrote on 2020-07-16 02:41:
>>> "Adding a new concept, with very little benefit, hurts the protocol
>>> in the long run. The ability to abstract an area, and not also a
>>> zone, is strong enough to be worthwhile, imho."
>> Your conclusion here seems very subjective.
>> What's the criterion the evaluate the benefit? What I see the TTZ does
>> have benefit.
>> I am also wandering how it hurts the protocol in the long run?
>> ....
>> Tianran
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