
I'm going to use my target scale of 100k PEs, split in 100 areas, 2 ABRs per area, with the average VPN size of 100.

What you propose would result in:

1. 100k registrations in each ABR, 10 million network wide
2. 1200 TCP sessions in each ABR, 220k TCP sessions network wide

Above is present in the network constantly, without any PE failure happening.

We use summarization to avoid keeping states associated with 100k PE prefixes. With your proposed solution, on the ABRs, we replaced the state associated 100k prefixes with the state associated with 100k registrations. What did we solve? Not much, we just moved the problem from IGPs to some "other" application.

Using the same scale, with the Pulse proposal, we will have no extra state in a stable condition.

If one PE fails we will have extra 2 pulses.

If one PE fails in every area at the same time we will have 200
extra 200 pulses.

If we limit the number of pulses per ABR at any given time to 10 (which is far enough to address any realistic PE failure scenario), in the worst case we will have extra 2k pulses in the network for a very limited amount of time. Yes, it goes everywhere, but given the amount of data, it's not significant. We have more then 2k prefixes being carried in the IGP networks today, and we know it's not an issue.


On 19/01/2022 02:05, Tony Li wrote:

FYI.  This is a better alternative that PUA/Pulse.


Begin forwarded message:

*From: * <>
*Subject: **New Version Notification for draft-li-lsr-liveness-00.txt*
*Date: *January 18, 2022 at 5:04:22 PM PST
*To: *< <>>, "Tony Li" < <>>

A new version of I-D, draft-li-lsr-liveness-00.txt
has been successfully submitted by Tony Li, and posted to the
IETF repository.

Title:Node Liveness Protocol
Document date:2022-01-18
Group:Individual Submission
URL: <> Status: <> Htmlized: <>

  Prompt notification of the loss of node liveness or reachability is
  useful for restoring services in tunneled topologies.  IGP
  summarization precludes remote nodes from directly observing the
  status of remote nodes.  This document proposes a service that, in
  conjunction with the IGP, provides prompt notifications without
  impacting IGP summarization.

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