Liyan –

For IS-IS there is no need for a new mechanism to exclude a link from algo 0 
SPF. On that we at least seem to agree.

Changing Algo 0 SPF in order to accommodate a new requirement you have for 
flex-algo is simply wrong – which is why I still think your draft is not needed.

What then remains, is whether there is any need in OSPF for the new “U-bit “ 
that you propose.  I think not, but I will let my OSPF colleagues respond more 
specifically to that point.
However, even if U-bit were deemed useful for OSPF, the reason for adding it 
would have nothing whatever to do with flex. The only justifiable reason would 
be that Algo 0 SPF required it.


From: 龚立艳 <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2022 7:01 PM
To: Jeff Tantsura <>; shraddha <>; 
Les Ginsberg (ginsberg) <>; lsr <>
Subject: Re:Re: [Lsr] Comments ondraft-gong-lsr-exclusive-link-for-flex-algo

Hi All,

According to the comments, we have updated the draft to clarify these two 

SolutionA, The maximum link metric, which is backward compatible but may not 
work in OSPF, since the links with maximum link metric are not always treated 
as unreachable by OSPF routers. Besides, additional mechanisms are required for 
the Flex-Algorithm using IGP Metric in path calculation.

SolutionB, The new extention, Which can avoid the above problems but backward 
incompatible, all nodes in the same area or level must support it.

Each solution has its pros and cons. The co-authors would like more comments 
and suggestions from WG.

Best Regards,


发件人:Jeff Tantsura  <<>>
收件人:"Les Ginsberg (ginsberg)" 
抄 送: (无)
发送时间:2022-08-13 07:05:25
主题:Re: [Lsr] Comments ondraft-gong-lsr-exclusive-link-for-flex-algo


From: Les Ginsberg (ginsberg)<>
Sent: Friday, August 12, 2022 9:05 AM
To: 龚立艳<>;<>; 
Subject: Re: [Lsr] Comments ondraft-gong-lsr-exclusive-link-for-flex-algo

Liyan –

You agree that there is an existing way to prune links from the IGP SPF.
Still, you insist that an extension that requires ALL routers – whether they 
support flex algo or not – to utilize a new advertisement when computing algo 0 
SPF is necessary.
Your rationale for this is that this allows you to use IGP Metric for flex algo 
in cases where the IGP metric would have been set to maximum.
But we already have the ability to define metrics specific to flex algo – and 
this is greatly enhanced by the generic metric defined in

Requiring a non backwards compatible extension to be used in base protocol 
operation in order to support a new feature is exactly what we MUST NOT do when 
introducing protocol extensions.

My opinion is unchanged – this is a bad idea – and completely unnecessary.


From: 龚立艳 <<>>
Sent: Friday, August 12, 2022 2:16 AM
To:<>; Les Ginsberg (ginsberg) 
<<>>; shraddha 
Subject: Re:Re: [Lsr] Comments ondraft-gong-lsr-exclusive-link-for-flex-algo

Hi Shraddha and Les,

Sorry for late reply and thanks for your comments.

Yes, the maximum link metric mechanism is an option as described in section 4 
of the draft.

But, it has two defects which we also wanted to discuss in ietf 114 meeting.

Firstly, it restricts the Flex-Algorithm from using IGP-Cost as its metric-type.

Secondly, it does not work with OSPF. For OSPF,the links with maximummetric 
value(65535) are also included in the SPF calculation,even if not preferred. If 
there are no other preferred paths,the Flex-Algoritnm links will still affect 
the result of thenormal SPF calculation.

Due to the time constraints,The presentation has been moved to the interim 
meeting on 2022-09-21. For more detail, please refer to the slides.

In view of these two cases, new protocol extension becomes necessary.

As for the backward incompatible issues, we think it can be avoided by 

For example, the new extension should be deployed in sync with the Flex-Algo 
feature, so that all the routers in one IGP domain will run the same software 

Looking forward to your reply.

Best Regards,


发件人:"Les Ginsberg \\(ginsberg\\)<file://(ginsberg/)>" 
收件人:Shraddha Hegde  
抄 送: (无)
发送时间:2022-07-29 21:14:08
主题:Re: [Lsr] Comments on draft-gong-lsr-exclusive-link-for-flex-algo

I fully agree with Shraddha.

In fact Section 4 of the draft makes clear why no protocol extensions are 


From: Lsr <<>> On Behalf Of 
Shraddha Hegde
Sent: Friday, July 29, 2022 2:18 AM
Subject: [Lsr] Comments on draft-gong-lsr-exclusive-link-for-flex-algo


I suggest that the usecase can be satisfied using the backward compatible
Maximum link metric mechanism defined in the draft.
I don’t see any need to define protocol extensions,
that are backward incompatible and can cause serious issues in the network
in the presence of older implementations.


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