>>>>> "Tim" == Timothy S Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  Tim>  I think NLD is saying that the machine can automatically sign
  Tim> off when it knows the upgrade is good to go.

Yeah, that's right. Depending on the situation, this process should be
another input to the "move to next phase" decision.

  Tim>  Here's an idea; what if the config management system said to
  Tim> itself "If everything is ready, and it's 11am, and today and
  Tim> tomorrow are both work days, then send an e-mail saying that
  Tim> the rest of the upgrade will happen at 11am tomorrow, then
  Tim> schedule it as eg. an "at" job (ie. using the Unix "at"
  Tim> command).  Then if you want to cancel it, it's as simple as
  Tim> cancelling the "at" job, although you may want to give the CM
  Tim> extra instructions to make sure that it doesn't reschedule it
  Tim> tomorrow.

  Tim>  And actually, have it also send an e-mail 1/2 hour before the
  Tim> event, and a SMS/IM 5 minutes before.

  >> In short, it seems to me that paranoia and pessimistic planning
  >> are good things when it comes to change management.  :)

  Tim>  Agreed.  Does the early warnings system I suggested cover
  Tim> things well enough?

I think that it provides the right infrastructure. Nailing down the
correct processes is harder to do, and likely site-specific.
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