>>>>> "Brandon" == Brandon S Allbery KF8NH <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  Brandon> On Nov 2, 2006, at 20:54 , Timothy S. Nelson wrote:

>       I think NLD is saying that the machine can automatically sign
  >> off when it knows the upgrade is good to go.

  Brandon> Well, it knows when the machine has integrated the change.
  Brandon> It does *not* necessarily know if everything is functioning
  Brandon> correctly afterward.  So, do you need to tie Nagios into
  Brandon> this as well?  What kinds of failures then trigger no-go on
  Brandon> a given change?)

Like I said in the mail to Andrew, I think that this is another
important input to the process. (We don't have this one yet)

I think that it is important though. 

  Brandon> It also doesn't deal with the problem of an unforeseen /
  Brandon> emergency change needing to be inserted into the sequence
  Brandon> (see Paul's discussion about branching etc.).  Narayan's
  Brandon> proposal assumes that the changes are already committed and
  Brandon> are sequenced out to clients in order as they become ready;
  Brandon> this makes inserting other necessary changes problematic,
  Brandon> especially if they require alteration of later steps.  My
  Brandon> proposal keeps the sequencing separate from the
  Brandon> effectively-inalterable committed changes, and while it
  Brandon> doesn't necessarily catch collisions (certainly it could
  Brandon> catch failed "patch" runs, but semantic conflicts are
  Brandon> harder and in some cases may well require actual deployment
  Brandon> to test machines) it would make it easier to handle them.

Depending on the details, resequencing can be pretty easy. It would
likely be simpler with a completely distributed scm system, than with
svn. I think this could probably be scripted up.

There are two general use cases where. You need to orchestrate
something, and you don't care when it happens, as long as it happens
in the right order. The other case is where it is a big hairy change
and is a pain in the butt to get right. These are opposite ends of the
spectrum, and probably require different levels of care and

In general, we try to expose enough data from bcfg2 that you can make
the correct procedural decisions for your environment, and then
automate those...
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