
> I have installed ltsp with Mandrake 7.2.
> I have also installed etherboot-5.0-4 to get the image for my 3c509 which is
> 3c509.lzrom. The problem is I only have a DOS-based eprom burner (XPRO)
> which require .bin-extension file. 
> Should I, buy or build an eprom burner, the one provided by EEP?
> or, is there a conversion tool or program to convert the image into a
> .bin-extension format?

Download a copy of etherboot. In the contrib dir is bin2intelhex.
Read the howto to pad unused bits of eprom with ff using perl.
The howto puts the ff's first and the image last. I found that that
didn't work.
Mt programmer accepts intel-hex files.
I use vim and 'set fileformat=dos' on the 32kimage (those programmers are
really dumb)

Here is my mkrom:
if [ $# -ne 1 ] ; then
    echo usage: mkrom binary_rom_file-name
    echo actions building the hex file are shown
echo "$1 then ff's -> 32kbimage"
(cat $1; perl -e 'print "\xFF" x 16384') > 32kbimage 
echo 'bin2intelhex <32kbimage >rom.hex'
echo remember: unix2dos the rom.hex file
bin2intelhex <32kbimage >rom.hex

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