On Sun, 2002-01-20 at 19:07, Dario Rapisardi wrote:
> but is it possible to do something against it? I think there're some
> products to surf the web via TV in the US market (I've never seen
> something like that here in South America) so I wonder how they do it.

There are some sites in the UK which are designed to be viewed on idTV
(interactive digital TV) via cable or satellite feeds - big chunky
graphics, no flash, javascript, etc, minimal navigation ... I can dig
out some URLs if you like. But for viewing 'normal' web sites, I suggest
you stick to 'real' monitors!

Howver, I can see where you're coming from - second-hand LTSP-compatible
system units are much cheaper than second-hand monitors in the UK (see
my site http://uk.homelinux.org).


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