I already have ltsp-sound working using ESD (K12LTSP) and ltsp-floppy using MtoolsFM-floppyd.
I'm not really satisfied with ESD - discontinued development, stability issues, mixer issues, etc.
Also I would like to have terminal cdrom access.
What I ment was to evaluate the idea that VirtualFS might deliver cdrom-cdaudio-floppy-sound-sound_mixing in ONE PACKAGE or to hear why it's not an good idea to use VirtualFS for all that.



John McCreesh wrote:
On Mon, 2002-02-18 at 16:06, Keld Jørn Simonsen wrote:
On Mon, Feb 18, 2002 at 04:05:56PM +0200, Andres Toomsalu wrote:
Anyone has experiance with virtualfs? Could it be the solution to get 
cdrom, floppy, sound in one package working on terminal?
I would also like to know how to get sound to work generally with
ltsp. Is the best way to have a wrapper? Or to write a kernel
module that does it? Is there already a wrapper?

Use the esound package from the K12LTSP folks. I can never find it on
their site, but there's a link to it from the 'software' page on my
http://uk.homelinux.org site.


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