On Wed, 22 May 2002, Stuart Baird wrote:

> It would be great if I could site other examples of non-profit
> organizations who are using LTSP. Any information that you can provide
> me on who is using LTSP would be great.

I am working at a school for adults in Dortmund, Germany
(about 800 students).
At the moment we have 4 rooms with about 50 LTSP stations.
These are not really diskless clients; they boot Win9x from HD and
LTSP via lilo, bpbatch-menu or floppy. Client hardware reaches from
486DX40/12MB, P75/32MB to Celeron 800/128MB, server Athlon1.8GHZ/1GB.
Choice given, students are beginning to use linux (SuSE 7.3) cause it's
faster and newer (mozilla-1.0/OOo-1.0/Kwrite).
Previously, linux was booted from HD, too. Now we can demonstrate that
those old boxes (in 3 rooms) can be used at high speed with more joy.



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