Sorry about this long posting, but hopefully someone can suggest a solution.

Did you had to do anything to make Mozilla and Open Office use up less 
resources? Here Open Office takes 40 MB of Memory and Mozilla 20 per 
user. Is there anyways to make them share some of the memory across users?

See my Top on a P4, 256 MB Memory and 5 users.

   2:34pm  up 1 day, 33 min, 18 users,  load average: 1.50, 1.75, 1.55
267 processes: 263 sleeping, 4 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped
CPU states: 53.7% user, 46.2% system,  0.0% nice,  0.0% idle
Mem:   223372K av,  219888K used,    3484K free,     312K shrd,    2108K 
Swap:  514072K av,  160012K used,  354060K free                   73392K 

15111 ballu      9   0 42652  41M 34824 R     2.5 19.0   0:13 soffice.bin
15149 ballu      9   0 42652  41M 34824 S     0.0 19.0   0:00 soffice.bin
15150 ballu      9   0 42652  41M 34824 S     0.0 19.0   0:00 soffice.bin
15151 ballu      9   0 42652  41M 34824 S     0.0 19.0   0:00 soffice.bin
15152 ballu      9   0 42652  41M 34824 S     0.0 19.0   0:00 soffice.bin
15177 ballu      9   0 42652  41M 34824 S     0.0 19.0   0:00 soffice.bin
  2919 ballu      9   0 33040  25M 17140 S     0.1 11.7   1:13 mozilla-bin
  2971 ballu      9   0 33040  25M 17140 S     0.0 11.7   0:00 mozilla-bin
  2972 ballu      9   0 33040  25M 17140 S     0.0 11.7   0:00 mozilla-bin
  2973 ballu      9   0 33040  25M 17140 S     0.0 11.7   0:00 mozilla-bin
  2975 ballu      9   0 33040  25M 17140 S     0.0 11.7   0:00 mozilla-bin
14219 ballu      9   0 33040  25M 17140 S     0.0 11.7   0:00 mozilla-bin
13588 ganesh     9   0 21176  18M 10328 S     3.4  8.4   0:16 mozilla-bin
13640 ganesh     9   0 21176  18M 10328 S     0.0  8.4   0:00 mozilla-bin
13641 ganesh     9   0 21176  18M 10328 S     0.0  8.4   0:00 mozilla-bin
13642 ganesh     9   0 21176  18M 10328 S     0.0  8.4   0:00 mozilla-bin
13644 ganesh     9   0 21176  18M 10328 S     0.0  8.4   0:00 mozilla-bin
15479 ganesh     9   0 21176  18M 10328 S     0.0  8.4   0:00 mozilla-bin
15496 ganesh     9   0 21176  18M 10328 S     0.0  8.4   0:00 mozilla-bin
12704 rupali     9   0 20632  17M 12844 S     0.3  7.8   0:44 mozilla-bin
12758 rupali     9   0 20632  17M 12844 S     0.0  7.8   0:00 mozilla-bin
12759 rupali     9   0 20632  17M 12844 S     0.0  7.8   0:00 mozilla-bin
12760 rupali     9   0 20632  17M 12844 S     0.0  7.8   0:00 mozilla-bin
12762 rupali     9   0 20632  17M 12844 S     0.0  7.8   0:00 mozilla-bin
13047 rupali     9   0 20632  17M 12844 S     0.0  7.8   0:00 mozilla-bin
  1019 root       9   0 53140  15M  6104 S     1.9  7.2   5:46 X
29666 anil       9   0 21280 9844  8004 R     0.3  4.4   2:56 mozilla-bin
29718 anil       9   0 21280 9844  8004 S     0.0  4.4   0:00 mozilla-bin
29719 anil       9   0 21280 9844  8004 S     0.0  4.4   0:00 mozilla-bin
29720 anil       9   0 21280 9844  8004 S     0.0  4.4   0:00 mozilla-bin
29722 anil       9   0 21280 9844  8004 S     0.0  4.4   0:02 mozilla-bin
29800 anil       9   0 21280 9844  8004 S     0.0  4.4   0:00 mozilla-bin
  8669 anil       9   0 21280 9844  8004 S     0.0  4.4   0:00 mozilla-bin

Wolfgang Schweer wrote:
> I am working at a school for adults in Dortmund, Germany
> (about 800 students).
> At the moment we have 4 rooms with about 50 LTSP stations.
> These are not really diskless clients; they boot Win9x from HD and
> LTSP via lilo, bpbatch-menu or floppy. Client hardware reaches from
> 486DX40/12MB, P75/32MB to Celeron 800/128MB, server Athlon1.8GHZ/1GB.
> Choice given, students are beginning to use linux (SuSE 7.3) cause it's
> faster and newer (mozilla-1.0/OOo-1.0/Kwrite).
> Previously, linux was booted from HD, too. Now we can demonstrate that
> those old boxes (in 3 rooms) can be used at high speed with more joy.
> Wolfgang


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