thiknics have 64MB memory and it is perfectly adequate to run them as
terminals, unless you want to run big local apps. I suggest you take a
look at the Xvesa package on this "unblurrs" the fonts and seems
to give better performance than XF86_SVGA with xfonts. also, look for
"thiknic" in the archive - there was a rather long thread on making them
work well. julius
p.s. avoig 60Hz refresh in any place that uses fluorescent lighting.

On Fri, 14 Jun 2002, sysadmin wrote:
> The work I'm doing is with the ThinkNIC.  I have
> gotten it to work at 1024x768 at 75Hz NI.  If
> possible, it would be nice to have a modeline
> for getting it to do it at 60Hz interlaced so it
> can use the monitor some folks buy from ThinkNIC
> (shudder - don't ever buy the lousy things).
> The chip is an SiS 5597/98 with 4Mb allocated in
> the bios for video memory.
> The support on getting this thing working properly
> is superb.  A lot of the parameters are still a
> mystery but the help given is great.  For light
> duty use these ThinkNIC NC's (and a replacement kbd)
> are a no brainer at about $250 total landed cost
> per unit.  I suspect that if we pulled the 32MB
> of memory and slapped in a 256MB (for about $30)
> we'd have a unit that could run most bulky apps
> without needing any swap.  Boot 'em, load 'em and
> leave 'em on.  Talk about getting your TCO under
> control!


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