Thanks for that. Been reading through all manner of stuff and finally
stumbled upon it. I have managed to get it working more or less, well
actually less than more. 

There are a number of problems I am experiencing, and after mucking
around for the last few days hope that someone on this list may have
come across some similiar problems and have some fix they used.

Our setup is that we have 2 servers 'appserv' and 'fileserv' with about
7 clients. Both machines run redhat 8, and both have the same apps, and
both are brand new machines (i686). The tftboot images, ltsp stuff,
dhcpd, dns, login accounts (through yp) and so on are served from the
fileserv machine. The appserv machine (double cpu yada yada) is the one
we would like to use most of the time for running users desktops, but we
like the choice of using the fileserv if this machine becomes bogged
down (we have a few people doing web development and programming and

I have modified the rc.local, gdm.conf, hosts.allow/deny to what I think
is needed. The client stations boot up fine then get the chooser screen.
Now sometimes both servers appear, other times it's just the fileserv
(with the appserv coming and going on occasions). If I choose to log
into the fileserv I get the gdm prompt and login ok, I'm happy. If I
choose to log into the appserv I just get a grey screen with a cursor
(the one talked abut in the lts docs). If I turn verbose mode on in gdm
I see that it accepts the connection to manage the remote display, but
then does nothing. We have had it running at times, but when we came in
the next morning it didn't work. If I kill all the gdm stuff on the
server and restart gdm it works ok for a while.

I have also seen errors of multiple client displays trying to use
display :0 on the appserv. Now the clients should all be using higher
numbers so what is going on here? Could this be the problem. I have no
idea how to fix it. I've also gone to copying the xdm,xms,gdm.kdm
directories over from the fileserv to the appserv to hopefully make both
setups the same.

It's very strange as the fileserv seems to work fine and it contains
everything the appserv has. (fileserv upgraded from RH 7.3 to 8). There
is obviously something I've missed but what? Any
ideas/support/fixes/sympathy welcome...

Quick rundown of changes made.

* rc.local has been changed to use '-indirect'.
* gdm.conf has been changed to accept indirect, allow client terminals 4
displays. Also 'AlwaysRestartServer=true' has been set.
* hosts allow/deny have been setup to allow all connections within our
* inittab has been changed to NOT run the /etc/X11/prefdm script as it
caused respawn issues. It seems that running gdm from there causes it to
return straight away so it keeps getting restarted. Instead now it reads
'x:5:respawn:/usr/bin/gdm --nodeamon'
instead of:
'x:5:once:/etc/X11/prefdm -nodaemon'  . This is all the predm script
seemed to do anyway.

Thanks folks for the help todate. If I get things working I think a
small howto would be in order.


On Thu, 2002-10-24 at 04:54, Jason A. Pattie wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> I'm not sure if this has made it into the configuration yet, or not, but
> you will need to change the rc.local or rc.setupx files in
> /opt/ltsp/i386/etc from '-query' to '-indirect'.  This will cause a
> chooser window to pop up containing all the servers on the network that
> answer incoming XDMCP requests.  You will also need to enable the
> chooser on the server you point the -indirect to.  This is done in the
> Xaccess file in /etc/X11/xdm.  Most likely with the new GDM and KDM
> interfaces, you will need to modify their configuration files also to
> enable them to display a chooser interface when '-indirect'ed.
> Bert van Brakel wrote:
> > Anybody know how to setup ltsp so that a user has a choice which X
> > server to login too?
> >
> > We use ltsp thin clients (and it works very well thank you) and wish for
> > users to have a choice which server they run their apps on when they
> > login. Has anybody done this, and if so how do we go about it? We will
> > still want to use a single machine to get the boot images off.
> >
> > I assume we just have to get the client terminal Xserver to connect to a
> > different xdm/gdm/kdm server. How to connect that up to the login prompt
> > would be the tricky bit.
> >
> > Any pointers/help would be much appreciated.
> >
> >
> > Thanks,
> > -Bert
> - --
> Jason A. Pattie
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> -- 
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Bert van Brakel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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