
> Hello this is Robert Mckay again, i apologize for bothering you again but
> are you aware of anyone who, uses,  LTSP 3.0 (which can be downloaded at
> ftp://ftp.linuxnirvana.com/pub/linux/K12LTSP/3.0.0) anyway it uses Red Hat
> Linux 8.0 and I am trying to follow a tutorial which is posted
> (http://www.k12os.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=14)
> anyway, I tried to follow the tutorial that is posted here, and some of the
> commands are no longer valid, because the tutorial, is made for Red Hat 7.2
> i believe, anway, if you know of anyone I can contact to help me with these
> problems I would be grateful. Im not sure if your the one who asked or not,
> but i just turned 18 the other day(YES FREEDOM...HAHA YEAH RIGHT) anyway all
> I want to do is build it, I dont care how or who helps me, I just have to
> get it done to graduate from High School. The IT guy at my school keeps
> asking me what I want to do with it and I dont have a clue what to do with
> it when im done. haha. I just wanna build it and then move on to my next
> project. haha. Well thanks for your time. Have a good day.
>                    Sincerly,
>                         Robert Mckay

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