I'm booting the client off a floppy using ROM-O-MATIC
image for mu 3com 3c509 card. The image loads,
gets a IP from the DHCP (ISC 3.0), starts TFTP
and loads the kernel. After the kernel loads the
client displays:
Running /linuxrc
Mounting /proc
ERROR: Could not auto detect netcard...
ISA cards need ....
     .... need ...'NIC=.......' passed in option-129
.... in /etc/dhcpd.conf.
I'm running ISC DHCP 3.0 which requires (or so I've read)
the user defined option in the form:
option newname code newcode = text
which is not excepted by /usr/sbin/dhcpd.
Can I pass the NIC info to the kernel usinf DHCP
or do I need to add this info to the /linuxrc?

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