Advise, I am a newbie with little experience in LINUX.

I has assembled this script from others i has found on Internet. The purpose is to copy from hda to hdb all the data and prepare hdb to replace hda.
I would like to know if i am doing think right and what could i add to improve it. Should check the surface of new disk? How is it done?

#------- start script ---------------------------------------
#I copy from 40gb hda to 40gb hdb
#my partitions are hda1=boot hda2=root hda3=swap

# First step
# Partitioning the new hard disk. The size of each partiton could be change
#if there is room for the data. I have copied a 40gb. HDD to a 20gb HDD since
# the 40gb had only 12gb used.

/sbin/sfdisk -uM /dev/hdb <<EOF

mkfs.ext3 -L /boot /dev/hdb1
mkfs.ext3 -L / /dev/hdb2
mkswap -c /dev/hdb3

# Second step
# Create a directory /newdisk to mount the hdb partitions

cd /
mkdir /newdisk
mount /dev/hdb2 /newdisk

# Copy root partition
cp -axv / /newdisk
cd /newdisk
mkdir /proc
umount /newdisk

# Mount and copy Boot partition

cd /
mount /dev/hdb1 /newdisk
cd /
cd /boot
cp -axv . /newdisk
cd /
umount /newdisk
#----end of script -----------------------------------------------------
in order to boot from this drive i need to RESTORE GRUB...

Now i remove hda and place the copy as hda. Boot from redhat cdrom as
"linux rescue". chroot /mnt/sysimage.
cd to /boot/grub and run grub-install /dev/hda

reboot from new disk.

I will appreciate comments.


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