Hello Julio, Les,

>> When my workstation gets de ip from dhcp e attempts to load the kernel i
>> get some dots (5) e then stops  . It seems like timeout . what do i have 
>> to do ?
>> Could somebody help-me ?

> Looks like your tftp server is not running. Check if a tftp server is
> installed. If you use xinetd, check that there is no line with
> "disable=yes" in /etc/xinetd.d/tftp (or change it to "disable=no").
> Check that there is no firewall blocking udp port 69 (iptables -L will
> tell you about firewall rules).

To be somehow more verbose:
Is there a tftp server running? Test with
netstat -l -n -p | grep 69
should list a process with port number :69, udp which would be your
tftp server. If it's not present, you don't have a tftp server
running. Get one installed (that depends on your distribution) and -
if you use inetd - put it inside /etc/inetd.conf like this
tftp            dgram   udp     wait    nobody  /usr/sbin/tcpd  /usr/sbin/in.tftpd -s 
You would have to adapt the binarie's paths which are from my local
server. Then do a killall -HUP inetd to restart inetd. If you use
xinetd, make sure there is a file /etc/xinetd.d/tftp - I cannot
provide it's content as I don't use it here. It has a line with
"disable" - see above. In doubt change and restart xinetd. (man xinetd
could give your more information).
If you still have the problem and tftp is now running (use the netstat-
command from above), check if there is a firewall rule. If
iptables -L -n lists anything that blocks tftp (could be that somewhere
in a REJECT line the 69 appears...) then you should probably adjust
the firewall. Too complicated to explain in general.
You could - to verify that tftp daemon is running - try to retrieve
the file locally. CHange to /tmp and issue
connect localhost
get /the-filename-from-dhcpdconf
If this succeded, then at least the daemon runs.

If all this didn't change anything, you probably need to provide us
with more information. Helpful would be
- any next-server and filename statements from dhcpd.conf, in their
context (inside which host-statement or so they are)
- the iptables -L -n   output
- the netstat -l -n -p | grep 69 output
- wether local tftp test (as above) works or not

Best regards,
 Anselm Martin Hoffmeister
 Stockholm Projekt Computer-Service

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