On Fri, Mar 05, 2004 at 10:59:42AM -0500, Timothy Frye wrote:
> Well, at least for me, I need something that doesn't rely on a gui
> application.  I need something that works with the operating system.  In
> other words, I need a way for someone to save something to the local floppy
> from within Mozilla without having to save it to the desktop first and then
> open up MToolsFM to move it to the floppy disk.
> I figured ENBD would do that, but since I can't get that up and running,
> does anyone have any other ideas?
> -Tim

I have been playing around with ENBD for the past week or so and have
got a working configuration.  At the moment, the only problem is that
when you first go to access the floppy, ENBD takes about 30 seconds to
read the drive before it becomes accessible.  I don't think this should
be the case and am going to research why this is happening this week.
Other than this annoying delay it seems to be working fine.  My
terminals are running icewm and on my test terminal I can launch
konqueror and read/write to the floppy - a symlink in the users home
directory that points to the actual mount point.  I have hope that I'll
have this worked out this week.  One way or the other I'll post my
results to the list soon.

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