On Wed, 2004-03-31 at 20:01, Ingo Lantschner wrote:
> David,
> am I right, that twm is NOT used for iceWM to run?
Yes, you are right.  twm and icewm are different window managers (hence
the "wm" suffixes on their names).  You only need one wm.

> hmh, I did the above, but first changed the directory gdm to xdm and later 
> on I created the gdm directory and copied the file into it - finally I did 
> not see any change to the situation before.

oops.  My instructions only apply if you are using GDM (Gnome Display
Manager).  It sounds like you are using the XDM.

>  From the file 
> ~/.xsession-errors I get:
>      X connection to ws008.ltsp:0.0 broken (explicit kill or server 
> shutdown).
>      IceWM: using /home/u1/.icewm for private configuration files
>      Xlib: connection to "ws008.ltsp:0.0" refused by server
>      Xlib: No protocol specified
> Doesnt this mean that iceWM is started correctly by xsession?

Yes, it does.  This error suggests that the X server on ws008 has
rejected the connection, which suggests that you have a problem with
your .Xauthority file.  Xsession is supposed to fix this for you.  In
your position, I would install GDM and put "export DISPLAYMANAGER =
GNOME in /etc/sysconfig/desktop.  Then try again.

Ingo, this shouldn't be this difficult.  I suspect that at some point
you have modified something that you should not have.  You have two

1. Continue to pick at this problem until you understand what's failing.
2. Reinstall Red Hat 9 from scratch, and then reinstall LTSP.

#1 will teach you a lot about how LTSP works; if you have the time, do

#2 will get the job done quickly, but you won't learn much.

Please keep us posted.


> Thankfull for any furher hints, Ingo
David Johnston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Little Bald Consulting, LLC

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