Op woensdag 12 mei 2004 01:38, schreef Chris Berry:
> Hash: SHA1
> We're setting up a proof of concept ltsp system, and I'd like to get
> some feedback.
> Here is our test server:
> Pentium 4 1700mhz
> 768mb Ram
> 7200 IDE HDD
> ATI Rage 128GL graphics card
> 100mb NIC
> Here's the test terminals:
> Pentium I 166mhz
> 64mb Ram
> 8mb Graphics Card
> 100mb NIC
> Applications list:
> OpenOffice
> Mozilla
> Java based database client
> # Of clients: 1-14 depending on performance.
> 1) Does this hardware look beefy enough?
> 2) What are going to be the speed bottlenecks?

Definitely java.. I will advice you to get an look at the autonice deamon on 
sourceforge to get rid of long running an processing eating java apps..
Be also aware of Mozilla and the eventually flash based sites.. The can 
consume a lot of power.. I have an setup in an school environment and we use 
an 2G cpu and 1G memory.. When the kids like to play many flash and java then 
the system becomes sluggy with 6 clients..
Dont forget to look for the suicide script.. To kill of all processes when 
somebody shut of the workstation..

And most important get an good ethernet switch...

> - --
> Chris Berry
> Systems Administrator
> JM Associates & Coast Business Service
> "To the pessimist, the glass is half empty.  To the optimist, the glass
> is half full.  To the engineer, the glass is exactly twice as big as it
> needs to be."  --Unknown
> Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (MingW32)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org
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> =FNaT
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