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Sudev Barar wrote:
| On Wed, 2004-05-12 at 07:29, Chris Berry wrote:
|>How much do you think disk speed affects the latency, and is it worth it
|>to use 15k rpm scsi disks instead of 10k rpm.  Will we notice serious
|>speed loss using IDE for 2 or 3 clients, or only when we start loading
|>up more?
| I am running one system on IDE one on SATA and more on SCSI. Always with
| more clients coming in (beyond 10+ concurrent) latency starts becoming
| apparent and irritating as more clients become concurrent.
| Two systems that are on SCSI today I used RAID0 on two IDE's to solve
| part of the problem and although there was improvement in read / writes
| as shown by hdparm it was still not good enough. SATA is much better but
| no where near SCSI.
| Lot of discussions on this can be dug up in archives of the list. As far
| as two three clients as proof of concept the current hardware is okay.

Ok, thanks for the help.  Has anyone found gigabit NICs helpful, or are
the bottlenecks mostly ram and disk speed?

- --
Chris Berry
Systems Administrator
JM Associates & Coast Business Service

"To the pessimist, the glass is half empty.  To the optimist, the glass
is half full.  To the engineer, the glass is exactly twice as big as it
needs to be."  --Unknown
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