
Without trying to set the Screen Resolution in lts.conf my single test
client usually boots with too high a resolution. However, even that
isn't stable. Sometimes it starts with a very low resolution. And also,
it can change when I log out to the login screen.

When logged in to the client, I can change the resolution using System >
Preferences > Screen resolution but the options offered here depend on
the initial resoltion. i.e. if the client started with the highest res,
I can change to almost any available res. But if the client starts with
a low resolution, the command only offers maybe 2  options, both low

I tried the following lines in lts.conf to no avail. It had no effect on
the resolution whatsoever.

X_MODE_0 = 1152x864


X_MODE_0 = 1024x768 75 1024 1048 1192 1296 768 771 777 806 -hsync -vsync


X_HORZSYNC          = 1152
X_VERTREFRESH      = 768

Any ideas or suggestions for what to look for.




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