On Tue, 5 Feb 2008, Rolf-Werner Eilert wrote:

> I tried a brand new Debian etch with the option to make several
> partitions for /home, /usr etc.
> When running
> ltsp-build-client --dist etch
> after a while it will run out of disc space and abort. I guess it tries
> to assemble the image in / cause this is the only partition which is
> nearly filled.
> How can I avoid this?

The etch creates ltsp-client chroot in /opt/ltsp AFAIK.
Do you have an /opt partition? If not try to create /home/ltsp or 
/usr/local/ltsp, e.g. and link it to /opt/ltsp:
        ln -s /usr/local/ltsp /opt/
        rmdir /opt && ln -s /usr/local /opt

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