I ran an ubuntu-hardy LTSP server in a VirtualBox virtual machine.  It 
worked, but I only did it as a test.  I never put any real load on it.


Cindy Murdock wrote:
> Hi list,
> A colleague and I were throwing about ideas, and the thought came up of 
> using a vmware image as an LTSP server, so I thought I'd ask the list to 
> see if anyone had done it.  We're facing the prospect of upgrading 
> several servers from Ubuntu Edgy to Feisty to Gutsy to Hardy, or else 
> swapping out the servers for fresh ones, all in the midst of another 
> large and time-consuming project.  The thought of simply deploying a new 
> virtual server at all our locations is rather tempting.
> Thanks!
> Cindy

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