On Wed, 27 Aug 2008, Helmut Lichtenberg wrote:

> David Burgess schrieb am 27. Aug 2008 um 01:07:45 CEST:
>> I'm having no success seeing a local hard disk on a thin client,
>> despite that I can use a usb drive plugged into the same client. Using
>> Ubuntu 8.04 x86_64 with i386 client (laptop).
>> [...]
>> It there a trick to mounting one of these partitions? The usb drive
>> just appeared on the desktop at login, and I think I've seen local hdd
>> do the same. Any pointers?
> I changed file /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/udev/rules.d/50-ltspfsd.rules:
> # ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="block", ATTRS{removable}=="1", 
> RUN+="add_fstab_entry %k"
> ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="block", RUN+="add_fstab_entry %k"
> Run ltsp-update-image then.
> I'm not glad about this ugly hardcoded fix but see no way to configure 
> it (in lts.conf) for certain machines, where I want to provide the hard 
> disks.

IMHO, this is quite normal, and the simplest solution... 
However, I created a file named ltsp_localdevs which lists the ltsp 
clients, and the pattern of localdevs that the client should be able to 
use/mount, e.g.:

then I modified the /usr/share/ldm/rc.d/S10-delayed-mounter script to 
check which entries in /var/run/ltspfs_fstab matches that pattern, and 
to invoke ltspfsmounter for that entries through the ssh tunnel as invoked 
by /lib/udev/add_fstab_entry for removable media.

It works for me, but I am not sure whether the code and procedure is 
compatible with the recent ltsp release, so I have not published it.

If this algorithm provides a considerable feature then the pattern should 
be integrated in lts.conf (e.g. instead of LOCALDEV = [Y|N] it could be
LOCALDEV = [Y|N|some_pattern_as_above] which can be defined per client 
basis, too), IMHO.


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