I was surprised to get no answer to my proposed patch for handling selection
of local devices till I found, that attachments to the list seem to get silently
skipped. At least in the archives at sourceforge, it's missing. So I try it
again inline.

BTW, is this the right place for this kind of discussion?


Helmut Lichtenberg schrieb am 28. Aug 2008 um 14:48:10 CEST:
> Oliver Grawert schrieb am 27. Aug 2008 um 14:44:55 CEST:
> >
> > ... so patches are indeed apperciated any happily accepted ;)
> What about this:
> 1. udev must provide all devices, not only removables. Otherwise we could not
>    select between them via lts.conf.
> 2. It seems easier for me not to allow certain devices but to deny them.
> 3. Let's restrict it for now for the two traits 'removable' and 'fixed'.
>    Introduce a variable in lts.conf like this:
>    LOCALDEV_DENY = fixed      # possible values: [fixed|removable]
> 4. Maybe later we can enhance it for certain named devices or partitions. This
>    needs a more complicated retrieval of udev information and decisions about
>    the syntax in lts.conf.
> To implement this for the new ltspfs-trunk, you pointed to, there are only
> two new functions for ltspfs_entry: is_removable() and is_denied().
> You then can decide, if the script should run start_ltspfsd and 
> call_ltspfsmounter.
> I've put a first implementation into a shell script, where you can test it
> easily. See attachment.
> Comments wellcome.

> #!/bin/sh
> # just for testing:
> DEVICENAME=sda1         # from udev
> LOCALDEV_DENY=fixed     # from lts.conf [removable|fixed]
> is_denied()
> {
>     test -z "$LOCALDEV_DENY" && return 1
>     case $LOCALDEV_DENY in
>         fixed)
>             is_removable $1 && return 1
>             return 0
>             ;;
>         removable)
>             is_removable $1 && return 0
>             return 1
>             ;;
>         *)
>             return 1
>             ;;
>     esac
> }
> is_removable()
> {
>     IS_REM=`udevadm info --attribute-walk -n $1 \
>         |grep removable \
>         |sed -e 's/.*\([0|1]\).*/\1/'`
>     test $IS_REM = 1 && return 0   # true in sh context (is removable)
>     return 1                       # false (is not removable)
> }
> if is_denied $DEVICENAME ; then
>     echo "Don't run call_ltspfsmounter on device $DEVICENAME in ltspfs_entry"
>     # ignore this device in add_device()
> else
>     echo "Run call_ltspfsmounter on device $DEVICENAME in ltspfs_entry"
>     # do the real work:
>     # start_ltspfsd
>     # call_ltspfsmounter add ${MOUNTPOINT}
> fi

Helmut Lichtenberg  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Tel.: 05034/871-128
Institut für Nutztiergenetik (FLI)         31535 Neustadt         Germany

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