On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 07:09:03PM -0800, Nicholas Metsovon wrote:
> I was surprised that LTSP took the turn towards the LTSP 5 direction.  From a 
> user's perspective, I would have thought that the pre-version 5 approach 
> would have been easier for the LTSP developers, since they, I would have 
> thought, would have *more* control over the thin clients' environment that 
> way.  But of course, not being an LTSP developer, I kind of had to leave that 
> up to those who actually develop LTSP.
Yes, before LTSP 5 the LTSP developers had ultimate control over the thin 
clients' environment, but that also meant they had to do all the work when
there were performance or security upgrades to be done.  It became 
unsustainable for them.


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